October 8, 2024

Arch’s Early Careers and Allies Employee Network Evolves to Support More Employees

Life at Arch

Newcomers to the insurance industry could benefit from having a steady guide and supportive circle to help them navigate. That’s where Arch’s Early Careers and Allies Employee Network (ECAN) comes in.

Founded in February 2022, the network has a goal of advancing the industry by providing young professionals with opportunities for development and networking.

Starting Out from Anywhere

“We want everyone to feel supported and empowered throughout their career progression at Arch, and as a network, this is our core goal,” said Jessica Amartsombat-Foskett, a London-based Senior Catastrophe Analyst and an ECAN Co-Chair. “From a personal perspective, joining a new company or being new and navigating a corporate environment can be overwhelming, but Arch has an array of helpful resources and supportive mentors which ECAN brings together to share with our members.”

ECAN’s aim is to provide easy access to useful tools and resources to support rewarding careers with Arch. The group’s vision is to create a centralized, global networking group for all Arch employees to enable and encourage career development and growth.

“Your career is a journey and not a straight line,” said Maamoun Rajeh, Chairman and CEO of Arch Worldwide Reinsurance Group and the group’s executive sponsor. “The one constant is culture: Are you in a place where you’re surrounded by people who care and where the values match your own?”

“The one constant is culture: Are you in a place where you’re surrounded by people who care and where the values match your own?”

Supporting Everyone Finding Their Place

ECAN provides this place of support and care for employees, especially those who are still finding their place within the industry. The group continues to host webinars on career growth and networking, staying true to its promise.

“Becoming a member will give you access to a pool of supportive, great-minded individuals who have the goal of wanting to progress at Arch and help others along the way,” said Jessica, adding that members not only enjoy access to events and helpful resources, but also contribute towards a diverse Arch culture, where asking questions and sharing experiences are greatly encouraged.

“Besides joining the network for personal career development, ECAN is a great way to network and meet fellow Arch colleagues you don’t necessarily work with on a day-to-day basis.”